Writing Links 


The Arvon Foundation  www.arvonfoundation.org

A well established organisation providing residential writing courses in Devon, Shropshire, West Yorkshire and Inverness-shire


BBC Writers' Room  www.bbc.co.uk/writersroom/

A major UK site for all radio, film and TV writing with hints, tips, opportunities, script library, blogs and script submission criteria


The British Theatre Guide http://britishtheatreguide.info

News, reviews, features, podcast, links and e-newsletter


Copyright   www.criminalattorneycolumbus.com/2023/01/copyright-for-writers-legally-protecting-your-work/

Useful information on copyright.


Creative Jobs For English Majors  


Information on how to become a writer, author and other careers for those with a gift for words.


Creative Writing for Beginners 


Lots of useful downloadable articles 


Freelancing Tips for Beginners https://www.zenbusiness.com/info/freelancing-101/

USA based organisation tips sheets for bloggers, copywriters, technical writers, ghost writers and those who write features and web content. Useful tips on optimizing your workspace, setting regular schedules with links to online freelancer tools.    


Funds For Writers http://www.fundsforwriters.com

Markets, news, articles, competitions and e-newsletter


GoCompare https://www.gocompare.com/business-insurance/self-employment-guide/  

Has a guide to  UK self- employment as a writer. "To help you understand what you need to do to make it official and  give yourself the best chance of success."

Guide for Freelancers (see for a cheat sheet for freelancers) 



The Talent Bank   www.thetbank.com

The Talent Bank is an online community for amateur artists, musicians, poets, photographers, film makers, comedians, writers, animators and actors to create their own space to upload all the different things they are creating so it can be seen and feedback can be received.


Worldwide Freelance Writer  www.worldwidefreelance.com

Free e-newsletter with some writing markets and resources. A subscription fee will give access to the full markets database


Writers Digest Magazine  www.writersdigest.com

USA based print magazine


Writing For Dollars http://www.writingfordollars.com

Articles, magazine guidelines database, blog and e-newsletter


Writing Magazine https://www.warnersgroup.co.uk/creative-leisure/writing-magazine/

Monthly UK magazine. Includes Writers' News magazine with markets information. See also the related Writers Online magazine: https://www.writers-online.co.uk


Writers Weekly http://writersweekly.com

A freelance writing ezine with articles, markets, warnings, jobs, forum and e-newsletter


Writing World http://www.writing-world.com

Markets, news, articles and e-newsletter